The Aftermath (Deadly Grief) is a superbly written prose chronicling the trials and tribulations of a small-town lawyer trying to overcome his life’s challenges and terrible tragedies that preoccupy his mind, day after day.

It’s a story about teamwork, resiliency and a dogged pursuit by a well-intentioned lawyer to uncover the truth, even if that may get him killed.

Along the way, attorney Connor Phelan encounters lots of crazy characters including some people who want him dead. Over the years, Connor Phelan has endured more than his share of bad breaks and heartache in life, but an opportunity of a lifetime presents itself to him thanks to a long-time friend who is now a sitting judge.

Still, the question remains, is Connor Phelan up for the dangerous challenge of uncovering a small-town serial killer or will the crafty killer make Phelan his next murder victim?

The Aftermath (Deadly Grief) is a fast read. It’s a page turner and you will be captivated by the memorable characters in this latest novel by Richard Cahill.


Hauptmann’s Ladder seeks to answer the question of who really killed the Lindbergh baby. With so much information available on this topic, one must wonder what Richard T. Cahill Jr. can possibly bring to the table. Well, as it turns out, two solid decades of research into the topic. The result of the research is a clinical and thorough approach to the evidence and testimony given at the time of the infamous kidnapping and supposed murder. It is his diligence to the facts of the time that make this such a different true crime tale. The contradictory witness statements do cast doubt on Hauptmann’s guilt, despite the fact we know Hauptmann was found with bills from the ransom as well as his second apartment. Cahill goes to great lengths to let the reader reach their own conclusions, which makes this book all the more appealing.

Richard T. Cahill Jr. has written a comprehensive analysis of the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby, filled with facts. If there is any bone to pick with Hauptmann’s Ladder it is that Cahill presupposes that the state ‘got it right’ with his conviction. While that may be true technically, very little credence is given to the plausibility that the convicted man was framed. Given the importance of Charles Lindbergh at the time, it is easy to see an immigrant with poor English skills becoming the fall guy. This book was well-researched and written solidly and, even if I still have my doubts, the collection of facts here will allow you the one thing many authors before Cahill have not: to draw your own conclusion.